Hinata Tachibana
Hinata Tachibana

6 Things About Hinata Tachibana That You Probably Didn’t Know!

While the rest of the cast of Tokyo Revengers lounges comfortably on the sidelines, the main cast of miscreants frequently finds themselves in the thick of things. Although Hinata Tachibana is a secondary character and doesn’t have a tonne of screen time, she is crucial to the plot of the show.

Hinata is more than just the love interest of the protagonist, Takemichi; she is an integral part of the story. She’s a multifaceted character who I’m hoping will get more screen time next season. Here are some interesting tidbits about Tokyo Revenger’s Hinata Tachibana that some viewers may not know.

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1. The Series Wouldn’t Exist Without Her

Even though Takemichi, Mikey, and Draken get most of the attention, the tale actually began with Hinata’s tragic demise. While Hinata herself does not receive a great deal of attention, she is essential in setting in motion Takeimichi’s adventure with Toman and the others.

What sets off the entire Tokyo Revengers saga is Hinata’s untimely demise in the pilot episode. A chance meeting when Hinata was younger has had far-reaching consequences for her, Takemichi, and the world at large.

2. She’s Tougher Than She Looks

Although Hinata seems sweet and caring, she is not to be trifled with. Don’t let Hinata’s cute exterior deceive you; she’ll battle to the death to save those she loves about.

Mikey is the most feared member of the Tokyo Revengers ensemble due to his unrivalled power, but it didn’t stop Hinata from slapping him across the face when she caught him abusing poor Takeimichi. She confronted the person she believed was bullying her sweetheart while showing signs of being nervous herself. It’s a testament to the power of love that Hinata eventually apologized when she realized her mistake, but the incident still stands as an example of the kind of courage that may be inspired by romantic commitment.

3. Her Idols Are Mother & Hellen Keller

When Hinata thinks about the people she wants to be like when she grows up, her mother and the American writer Hellen Keller both come to her. Audiences have met her brother Naoto, who is quite pivotal and recurrent in the cast, but her mother stays unknown at this time. Her father does make an appearance later in the series.

Hellen Keller, meanwhile, was widely recognized for her political activity and advocacy on behalf of people with disabilities. Takemichi can always count on Hinata to be there for him whenever he’s in a sticky predicament. It’s no surprise that Hinata looks up to such an admirable and fearless ancestor.

4. She Wants To Be A Nurse

A snippet of her optimistic future ideas may also be found in the official Tokyo Revengers character book. It would appear that Hinata is intent on studying medicine in order to become a nurse someday. As a person who cares deeply about others, Hinata naturally gravitates toward careers that allow her to do so.

It has always been abundantly evident just how far Hinata is willing to go in order to defend those she cares about. People with Hinata’s level of sincerity, kindness, and compassion belong in the medical sector.

5. Her Name Has A Meaningful Translation

The Japanese and English meanings of Hinata’s entire name are both beautiful and appropriate. The Japanese name “Hinata” means roughly “sunny spot,” which is fitting because her disposition is always bright and cheery. The name has a twofold significance for Takemichi, as when he is with Hinata he feels most at ease and contented.

Hinata Tachibana
Hinata Tachibana

The “orange” or “tangerine” in Hinata’s surname “Tachibana” possibly refers to the colour of her hair. The coral on Hinata has remained consistent throughout the series (pinkish-orange). Her eyes have the same vibrant amber-orange shade as her hair, resembling a ripe tangerine.

6. She Has A Sweet Tooth

The official Tokyo Revengers character book reveals certain tidbits that may not be known by many fans, such as Hinata’s fondness for sweets, despite the fact that the anime hasn’t yet touched on the subject. Hot cocoa is listed as one of Hinata’s preferred beverages in the official character book. Although she enjoys coffee, she can’t handle it when it’s too bitter and always adds milk and sugar to her cup.

Even once, she attempted to make cookies for her swooning Takemichi! A brilliant girl, she naturally aced the recipe, and Takemichi greatly appreciated her thoughtfulness and devoured her baked goods.

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About Maria 1763 Articles
Maria is a master of words, a weaver of stories, and a content editor extraordinaire. She has a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of language, and an insatiable passion for crafting compelling content that captivates readers. As a content editor, Maria is a true artist, meticulously polishing and perfecting every word until it shines with clarity and precision. She understands that content is more than just words on a page; it's an opportunity to connect with readers, to inspire them, to educate them, and to entertain them.

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