Is Google Not Disclosing All About TrueView Ads?
Is Google Not Disclosing All About TrueView Ads?

Is Google Not Disclosing All About TrueView Ads?

The Adalytics report, which made headlines around the world last week by claiming that approximately 80% of the video ads of many brands served through YouTube’s “TrueView” system amounts to invalid traffic according to Google’s own definition, also detailed how Google shared different documents at different locations about TrueView system terms that misled advertisers.

The study has had such an impact that marketers all across the world are requesting refunds from Google for ad waste. It’s worth noting that most advertisers spend over half of their video ad budget on YouTube TrueView advertisements. In fiscal year 22, YouTube’s ad income was approximately $30 billion.

On Friday, e4m reported the report’s key conclusions. The extensive analysis dissects YouTube’s ad business and its fineprints, which have long been a source of anxiety among media buyers despite their refusal to address it publicly.

TrueView advertising are intended to play “in-stream,” which means within YouTube or on high-quality publisher websites and mobile apps. According to the Adalytics study, “muted” TrueView advertising were being displayed “out-stream” at the backdrop or corner of Google Video Partners (GVP) sites, some of which were low-quality sites and apps, or were currently unlisted or hosted in sanctioned countries like as Iran and Russia.

Out-Stream Or In-Stream

The investigation identifies flaws in the TrueView advertisements service terms, particularly when it comes to delivering ads on GVP sites.

According to Analytics, Google writes in one document that TrueView advertisements will show before, during, or after YouTube videos, with no mention of ads that run on partner websites.

Another Google document states, “Your video ad plays before, during, or after other videos alongside other videos on YouTube and partner sites and apps, without reference to whether or not those other videos on partner sites will be YouTube videos or non-YouTube videos.”

Is Google Not Disclosing All About TrueView Ads?

Different Billing Documents

The report also highlights different documentation about billing strategies for in-stream TrueView ads. One page states in Google’s online documentation that you pay when a viewer watches your full video or engages with your video, whichever comes first. This page only makes references to the Cost-per-view (CPV) billing model.

However another page about “skippable in-stream ads” lists four billing strategies-Cost-per-view (CPV), Target cost-per-action (CPA), Maximize conversions bidding, and Target cost-per-thousand-impressions (tCPM).

GVPs Opted-In By Default

Since July 2019, certain sorts of TrueView ad campaigns have been automatically opted in to GVP. If media buyers want their video ads to appear just on and the YouTube mobile apps, they must opt out of GVP sites and apps. According to the survey, media buyers do not always have the choice to opt out of GVP sites and applications.

Third-Party Audit, Not Independent One?

The questions raised by the Adalytics’ report are being considered serious in the advertising industry across the world.  The charges made in the Adalytics report are serious in nature and will dent Google’s ad business. The adtech giant must address these allegations by announcing a third-party audit soon.

Interestingly, the study points out that Google does have a “ third-party ad verification on YouTube” but it is not an independent one.

“Google does not accept third-party tracking pixels for YouTube measurement. YouTube does have a YouTube Measurement Program (YTMP), which includes ad verification companies like Integral Ad Science (IAS) and DoubleVerify. However, it appears that these measurement partners have to rely on aggregated, server-to-server data transfers – via the YouTube data feed in order to execute their “independent” measurement analytics,” the report alleges.

Google’s Response

An email sent to the Google India team didn’t elicit any response till the time of filing this story. Last week, when e4m reached out to the team for their comments on the Analytics report, the team had shared a blog post of  Google’s director of global video solutions, Marvin Renaud.

Insisting that advertisers have full control over ads display, Renaud explained, When advertisers create video ad campaigns, they can clearly see that their ads may run on third-party sites via GVP during the campaign setup. We offer the option to opt out at any time. They can also decide where their content may appear. Advertisers can exclude specific websites and URLs along with entire topics or apps they wish to avoid when running ads.

Ad inventory across the Google Video Partner network is more than 90% viewable. This is well above industry norms. The claims in the third-party report simply aren’t right. Put simply, over 90% of ads on GVP are visible to people across the web — and advertisers are only paying for ads when they are viewed.

He also added that Google monitors adherence to its policies, and last year stopped serving ads on over 143,000 websites found to be in violation. However, his blog didn’t address the concerns with regards to billing and third party audit.

Invalid traffic is a known fact: advertisers

Many marketers e4m spoke to said that invalid traffic is well-known in the digital ecosystem.

Sharing her past experience, Piali Dasgupta, Senior Vice President – Marketing, Columbia Pacific Communities, says, “We haven’t seen any major discrepancy, in terms of placement of ads. However, for a brand campaign done for Christmas last year, we saw that 5% of the ad inventory were placed on irrelevant partner websites and apps such as VPN Apps, Keep Junk Remover, etc that were not aligned with our audience targeting filters.”

Given that Youtube doesn’t give advertisers an option to choose how much of the inventory will be used on partner websites and how much on the platform, it would be wise to limit ad spends on Youtube for the time being, till Google addresses the concern with a clarification.

She adds that alternately, brands could continue to invest in the platform by doing non-skippable ads which are within 15 seconds. However, this ad format is obviously more expensive and the click-through rates on these ads are quite poor. So, these are ideal for top-of-the-funnel marketing objectives such as brand awareness.

The premium players mislead marketers about the viewership of video-ads running on third party websites and apps. There is a lot of policy breach and breach of trust between the brand/ companies and the premium publishers, says Dr. Vikas Katoch, Founder and CEO of Adomantra Digital.

Is Google Not Disclosing All About TrueView Ads?

We discussed the post concerning technology. You can view the links in the following links:

It is high time that brands and marketers think beyond the Youtube and Facebook ecosystem and trust other publishers for ad view business. There is a lack of understanding amongst marketers, where they only opt for the premium top publishers, thinking that it will lead to the large targeted consumer outreach and successful digital ad campaigns.

Brands should now look beyond the premium publishers and go for companies which have good market reputation and can create transparency in charging for clicks, impressions,  conversions, depending on the type of campaign they run, he opined. Sachin Kumar, Founder of Bottle openers insists that Google has always given him the return on investment.

“We have never faced any issue. Tech glitches are always possible and a small fraction of digital ads often land up in invalid traffic which is not easy to eliminate but surely can be compensated,” Kumar said. The Adalytics report, which created a sensation across the globe last week by claiming that approximately 80% of the video ads of many brands served through the “TrueView” system of YouTube amounts to invalid traffic as per Google’s own definition, has also described in detail how has Google shared different documents at different places about terms of TrueView system that mislead advertisers.

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About Maria 1763 Articles
Maria is a master of words, a weaver of stories, and a content editor extraordinaire. She has a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of language, and an insatiable passion for crafting compelling content that captivates readers. As a content editor, Maria is a true artist, meticulously polishing and perfecting every word until it shines with clarity and precision. She understands that content is more than just words on a page; it's an opportunity to connect with readers, to inspire them, to educate them, and to entertain them.

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