Eddie Izzard Introduces New Feminine Name
Eddie Izzard Introduces New Feminine Name

Eddie Izzard Reveals New Feminine Name And Talks About Her Political Ambitions

Eddie Izzard announced her new name, stating she has wanted to go by that name since she was ten years old. At a recording of The Political Party podcast this week, the British comedian and former political candidate, 61, said: “I’m gonna be Suzy Eddie Izzard.

“I’ll put Suzy there and then Eddie and then people can choose what they want and no one can go wrong,” The Sun reports. Izzard said: “I’ve wanted to be S-U-Z-Y since I was 10. “That’s how I’m gonna roll so people can choose what they want. They can’t make a mistake; they can’t go wrong.”

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Back in December 2020, the British comedian and former political candidate, 61, was dubbed a “trailblazer” by fans when she asked to use the pronouns “she” and “her” during the filming of UK TV show, Portrait Artist Of The Year, confirming she was “gender fluid”.

But the decision had been in the works for 35 years. Izzard initially acknowledged himself as a transgender in 1985. She stated to The Guardian in 2021 that, in her opinion, being a transvestite simply meant being transgender without going through a physical change. She now considers herself to be a trans woman and wants to be one “based in girl mode”.

Eddie Izzard Introduces New Feminine Name

But speaking of her pronouns, the performer admitted: “I make mistakes with my own pronouns.” She then discussed her political aspirations on the show after being passed over to run as UK Labour’s parliamentary candidate in Sheffield Central in 2022. “I will keep going until I get in,” she said.

Izzard sought to be addressed as “she” in 2019 while getting an honorary degree from Swansea University, which was before the TV programme in late 2020.

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Diana is a master of the written word, with a keen eye for detail and a passion for crafting content that informs, inspires, and engages her audience. As a content editor, she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, working closely with writers and contributors to ensure that the content produced is of the highest quality and meets the needs of the target audience. With her exceptional communication skills and deep understanding of the website's editorial goals and brand identity, Diana is able to balance the needs of different stakeholders and manage multiple projects and deadlines with ease.

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