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Is Tech Dead Bad Batch
Is Tech Dead Bad Batch

Is Tech Dead Bad Batch And Unpacking The Negative Impact

Finally, season 2 of Star Wars: The Bad Batch has ended, but not before taking one of its most notable characters with it. The Bad Batch prefers to take a slower, more character-driven approach to tell its tale rather than jam-packing a lot of plot development over the entire series.

The series’ goal has always been to reveal precisely what happened to the clone army after the creation of the Empire. To build up The Bad Batch season 3, Star Wars analyzes through Clone Force 99 how the clones ended up enduring more injustice after the Clone Wars than before.

In the stunning season two episode 16 of The Bad Batch, a fan-favorite member of the Batch named Tech is killed off. On Eriadu, after getting stuck on a train rail, Tech gives his life to save the other team members. Even after the conflict is over, it is a sad experience to witness yet another clone perish needlessly.

Yet, Tech felt at ease knowing his group would preserve his memory. Yet, Tech’s death marks a weird conclusion to The Bad Batch season 2, as it leaves a gaping vacuum in Clone Force 99 and the entire program.

Tech Was Clone Force 99’s Only Character Growth

Few of the characters in The Bad Batch grew this season, despite the Disney+ TV show’s attempt at a slower pace that develops its characters. Although it seemed like The Bad Batch gave Echo a significant role in the first few episodes of season 2, most of his development took place off-screen.

Is Tech Dead Bad Batch
Is Tech Dead Bad Batch

Omega, Hunter, and Wrecker aren’t any different now than when the show started. Tech is the only team member with significant character development this season, with the possible (and improbable) exception of Crosshair. Tech came off as cold and cruel toward the event’s start. He frequently spoke facts or truths that everyone thought, but no one wanted to hear because of his inability to read the room.

Yet this season, Tech had a significant character change. For starters, in season 2, episode 3, he ventured outside his comfort zone by taking part in a riskier style of pod racing. Also, after Omega questioned Tech about his seeming lack of sorrow over Echo leaving the Batch, Tech addressed him about how he processes things differently in season 2, episode 9.

The Bad Batch Is No Longer Emotional

Tech in Clone Force 99 may have been the most relatable clone. So many viewers could comprehend him because he didn’t understand others; Tech felt for everyone but had trouble expressing it. And now that he’s gone, The Bad Batch season 3 will struggle to replace the heart he brought to the program.

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The other members of The Bad Batch may finally develop as people due to his death, but it still feels as though Tech’s emotional development was prematurely lost. Tech was not just brilliant but one of the few people in the Batch who had a distinct sense of his future—the Bad Batch season 2 episode 15 of the show blatantly suggested that Phee Genoa and Tech were developing a romance.

Tech seems to respond to Phee’s approaches in his unique way, although he is unable to articulate his thoughts to her. Observing how Phee handles his loss in season three of The Bad Batch and how the show moves on without him will be heartbreaking.

Is The Bad Batch Truly The Last of Tech?

Tech hasn’t officially been pronounced dead yet, technically speaking. Nonetheless, overwhelming indications lead to his premature passing. The railcar he dropped with will still fall on top of him, even if he managed to land in some water pool beneath the fog on Eriadu.

Baxy tweeted that THE BAD BATCH SPOILER WDYM TECH IS DEAD. You can see below:

Doctor Hemlock, the newest villain in The Bad Batch, claimed that Tech’s broken specs were the only thing his guys could save from his fall. Tech, however, has the best chance of faking his demise out of all the Clone Force 99 members. Hemlock may also lie, given that he exploits abandoned clones for his study.

He might even become the Star Wars equivalent of the MCU’s Winter Soldier, which would be an intriguing twist for the program. In either event, Tech will be added to the long list of Star Wars characters who somehow never perish if he manages to survive his fall. But as things stand, the third season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch will feature a bereavement episode for the characters and viewers.

About Diana Sutton 738 Articles
Diana is a master of the written word, with a keen eye for detail and a passion for crafting content that informs, inspires, and engages her audience. As a content editor, she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, working closely with writers and contributors to ensure that the content produced is of the highest quality and meets the needs of the target audience. With her exceptional communication skills and deep understanding of the website's editorial goals and brand identity, Diana is able to balance the needs of different stakeholders and manage multiple projects and deadlines with ease.

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