Final Fantasy 16 Review
Final Fantasy 16 Review

Final Fantasy 16 Review Scores And Is Worth It?

The most recent installment of one of the most well-known video game franchises has the potential to be the series’ most successful game to date. Find below the reviews and scores that various critics have given to Final Fantasy 16, along with their commentary on the game.

Final Fantasy 16 Review Scores

Final Fantasy 16 is the most recent installment in the Final Fantasy series. It is a limited-time PlayStation 5 exclusive.

Metacritic compiled the game’s reviews from its lone-release platform. As of this writing, the game has received 106 critic reviews. Only eight of them are mixed, with the remaining evaluations being good.

Although the score appears to be lower than those of other recent games such as Diablo 4, the ratio of favorable to mixed reviews is remarkable. More so, the game has received no negative feedback. Let’s take a closer look at what the game’s reviewers have to say about it, both the good and the bad.

ame Rant gave the game a perfect score of 100. They said that the game “is by no means perfect”, thanks to how the “pacing is inconsistent and side quests can be hit or miss.” However, the “combination of the combat and the story at large are strong enough to reduce any complaints to minor quibbles.” They even praised Creative Business Unit III, saying that the team “found a way to make this latest game their own.”

Digitally Downloaded similarly gave the game a perfect score of 100. They said that the game is “an engrossing, entertaining and, most importantly, fiercely intelligent game.” They praised the developers for taking the” AAA-blockbuster budget” and using it to “craft an experience with a strong, provocative and timely message, and then have that backed up with some of the most entertaining action combat we’ve ever seen”  In particular, they loved that “not a second of the game’s runtime is wasted, there’s not a single dud character, moment, or scene, and the plot is a riveting epic ‘page-turner’.”

Hardcore Gamer gave the game yet another perfect score of 100. According to their review, Final Fantasy 16 “will change what we think of the franchise moving forward.” They called the game “groundbreaking on so many levels, elevating the thirty-five-year-old series to new heights”. In particular, they brought up the game’s combat, which they said is ” highly engaging and invites creativity and experimentation by giving players a bevy of tools to play around with.” They also brought up the game’s story, calling it “beautifully written, and although it takes nods from other fantasy properties, it builds its own unique universe to immerse one in”

Final Fantasy 16 Review
Final Fantasy 16 Review

Twinfinite gave the game yet another score of 100. They praised Final Fantasy 16’s “complete commitment to redefine what it means to be a Final Fantasy game, while also still staying true to the roots and themes of the series.” For them, the game is a “prime example of how Final Fantasy doesn’t have to be bound by one idea or system”. The reviewer even hopes that this game “serves as inspiration for future developers to take the series in their own, completely new, direction.”

Dexerto scored Final Fantasy 16 with a perfect 100. They praised both the game’s story and its gameplay. For the story side, they loved the “cast of characters that are easy to invest in”, as well as a story ” that pays off the promise of its impossible scale”. As for the gameplay, they called it “one of the best action combat systems ever committed to disk.” They go as far as to say that this is a game that players “owe it to [themselves] to indulge in.”

Atomix gave the game a score of 95. They praised the game highly, saying that it “is not only one of the best games of the year, but it is also one of the best role-playing titles made in Japan in a long time”. They even go far as to say that it is “one of the most important exponents of the legendary franchise to which it belongs.” In particular, they praised the game’s “great production values and clear ideas that kept its development cycle on the right path.” Although the game is not perfect for them, it “has virtues that strongly outweigh its defects.

PlayStation Universe also gave the game a score of 95. According to them, “very little gets in the way of the success that Final Fantasy XVI creates.” They said that the “strength of combat on top of a compelling, deep narrative steals the show.” Some of their qualms with the game included the ” little need for world exploration and the occasional lower resolution texture,”. However, they still praised the game as it “stays true to the namesake while forging its own path forward.”

GAMINGbible gave the game a score of 90, saying that the game is “truly an epic adventure.” They brought up the game’s “fantastical story, over-the-top character performances, a sublime soundtrack, epic boss battles”, and the fact that the game “looks gorgeous to boot.” They recommended to both veterans of the series, as well as those who have never played a Final Fantasy game in their life. For them this game is “one of 2023’s most brilliantly extravagant adventures and a sure-fire contender for Game of the Year.”

IGN gave the game another score of 90. They called Final Fantasy 16 “a departure from what fans may expect out of a Final Fantasy game”. However to them, its “its excellent story, characters, and world building are right up there with the best the series has to offer”. They even praised the game’s Active Time Lore system, saying that it “should set a new standard for how lengthy, story-heavy games keep players invested in its world”.

Gamespot, who gave the game a score of 90, said that although the game “may fall short in some respects”, the game “should be celebrated for its most stunning moments and the characters who embody them.” According to them, the game “succeeds and earns its place within the Final Fantasy pantheon as one of the great entries, and does so on its own terms.”

Game Informer gave it a score of 85, with the reviewer saying that this game “has some of [their] favorite moments in modern Final Fantasy”. However, they did bring up that the game’s lows “threaten the pace” at which the favorite moments arrive.  They also mentioned they wish the game’s various elements “were intertwined more seamlessly.” In the end though, it’s the game’s highs that they “vividly remember.” For them, Final Fantasy 16 “is very different from its predecessors, but in many ways, very familiar; And it’s still a Final Fantasy, through and through, reminding [them] why [they] love this series so much.”

VG247 gave the game a score of 80. They said that the game “is clearly the best numbered single-player Final Fantasy since the PS2 era.” For fans of the series, they said that the game will “inevitably provoke debate”, as the game will be both “beloved and reviled.” For new fans, on the other hand, the game “presents a different, thoroughly modern Final Fantasy: full of wonder, and joy, and flaws in a way that feels most appropriate to the rest of the series.”

Final Fantasy 16 Review
Final Fantasy 16 Review

GLHF on Sports Illustrated gave the game a mixed score of 70. To them, Final Fantasy 16 is “an uneven game.” They brought up how the game had its moments “like the Platinum Games-tinged Eikon fight against Titan”, which convinced them that the game is “one of the best things [they’ve] ever played.” However, they also mentioned that between good moments there were “hours of drudgery”. They mentioned that “if you don’t think MMO-style fetch quests are the pinnacle of game design, you’re probably going to feel the same way.”

Digital Trends gave the game its lowest score of 60. They praised the game as it “delivers on the ‘action’ side of its action-RPG formula.” In particular, they praised its “fierce and fast-paced combat system”, saying it “makes for the series’ most exciting stab at real-time swordplay yet”. They also praised the game’s Eikon fights, saying it ranks “among some of gaming’s most awe-inspiring battles.” However, they did not like how the game had “a general flatness surrounding those exhilarating highs”, pointing towards “shallow RPG hooks and dated design” that leaves “a promising evolution for the series stuck in the past.”

Is Final Fantasy 16 Worth It?

Yes. All of the reviews stated above, even those with lower ratings, agree that Final Fantasy 16 is among the best games available right now. This game has something for everyone, from its fast-paced action to its story.

What else can you expect from the team who single-handedly saved a dying MMORPG and changed the company’s fate? If you have a PS5 and a copy of this game, you should absolutely give it a shot.

That concludes our study of Final Fantasy 16’s review and scores. Visit Check out our gaming news articles for the most recent gaming news.

About Maria 1763 Articles
Maria is a master of words, a weaver of stories, and a content editor extraordinaire. She has a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of language, and an insatiable passion for crafting compelling content that captivates readers. As a content editor, Maria is a true artist, meticulously polishing and perfecting every word until it shines with clarity and precision. She understands that content is more than just words on a page; it's an opportunity to connect with readers, to inspire them, to educate them, and to entertain them.

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