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Ethics Policy

Ethics Policy

Ethics Policy

In all of its dealings, (hence known as “Digital News Expert,” or “We,” “Us,” “Our,” and “Our”) adheres to a strict policy of openness and respectability. You can read Our Code of Ethics, which we’ve included below for your reference, for more information on how we operate.

Premise was developed to fill the void left by the mainstream media’s failure to adequately inform the public about the stories they were covering.

As part of this effort, we hope to slow down the flow of “breaking news” to prevent the spread of misinformation.

We adhere to a set of ethical standards in order to fulfil our vision and mission, and to be the most trustworthy source of news and information on the subjects that matter most.

Ethical Principles

For the reasons stated above, and in an effort to be the most trustworthy source for news and information on the most important topics, we’ve embraced the following principles:

Talk to people from different backgrounds and political tendencies and help them come together to debate and solve the issues that matter most.

Present the most up-to-date and relevant facts at the time. We’re here to cover a specific story.

As a general rule, give credit where credit is due. Plagiarism of any kind is not tolerated and is against the law.

Strive to have ideas on topics that are fair, unbiased, and logical.

The editorial decision-making process should be clearly separated from the company’s business interests. Business considerations have no place in editorial decisions.

Instead of making headlines, provide accurate information. If there isn’t enough information to go around, we won’t provide it until there is.

To ensure that the story is fair and balanced, include a variety of viewpoints.

Rectify and issue an apology to the public if a mistake was made.

Advertisement/advertorial stories should be made clear at the beginning of a piece.

Despite the pressure from those in positions of authority, you must remain firm and unwavering. In the event of a legal dispute or harassment, support the editorial staff.

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