DMCA Policy For Digital Millennium Copyright

The website (the “Site”) is here to welcome you.
In the same way that we expect people to respect our rights, we also expect others to respect others’ intellectual property rights. In line with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c), copyright owners or their representatives may send us a takedown notice via the DMCA Agent listed below. In accordance with the DMCA’s “safe harbour” provisions, we, as an internet service provider, are qualified to claim protection from such infringement charges. The following information must be included in your notification to us in order to make a legitimate claim of infringement:

Claims of Notice of Infringement

Information that will allow the service provider to find the infringing material, as well as identification of the material itself, must be provided. A physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner (or someone authorized to act on behalf of the owner); 2. Identifying the copyrighted work claimed to be infringed; and 3.

We’d appreciate it if you could supply the page’s URL so we can look into the matter. Name, physical address, email address, phone number, and fax number are all reasonable means by which the service provider can contact the complaining person.

A statement indicating the complainant has a reasonable belief that the usage of the work is infringing on the copyright agent’s rights. Under penalty of perjury, a statement that the information provided in the notification is true and that the complainant is authorized to act on behalf of the complainant

Anyone who deliberately and willfully misrepresents specified information in a notification of infringement under 17 USC 512(c) is subject to civil damages, including costs and attorney fees.

All takedown requests should be sent via our Contact page. Send by email if you would want a quick response.

In the event of a copyright infringement claim, we reserve the right to supply the suspected infringer with information about our identity. Your identify and claim will be made public if you file a legal claim against an alleged infringement.

Counter Notification – Material Restoration

A counter-notification can be submitted to us if you got a notice of removal owing to a copyright infringement claim and would like to see the content that was removed returned. In accordance with 17 USC Section 512(g)(3), this notification must be provided to our DMCA Agent in writing. In order for it to be considered complete, the following must be included:

A. Your signature, whether it’s written or digital. B.

Second, the URL of the original location of the content that was removed.

It is an oath of good faith that the material has been removed or otherwise rendered inaccessible as a result of an error or misidentification of the content that was meant to be removed or otherwise rendered accessible.

An acknowledgment stating that you would accept service of process from the person or entity who initially reported the infringement, together with a statement to that effect (or, if you are outside of the United States, that you will submit to the jurisdiction of any judicial district in which the service provider may be found).

Your counter-notification can be sent to us using our Contact page. It is highly recommended that you use email instead of text messages.

Policy for Repeat Infringers

We take copyright infringement very seriously. Tracking copyright holders’ DMCA notifications and attempting to locate repeat offenders is a priority for us, in compliance with the DMCA’s repeat infringer policy requirements. Accounts belonging to repeat infringers will be closed, according to our internal policy.


At any time and for any reason, we have the right to alter the information on this website, including the manner in which DMCA complaints are handled. You are encouraged to review this policy on a regular basis and stay up to date on any changes.

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