Corrections Policy

This Corrections Policy outlines the steps We follow to make corrections when We learn that some inaccurate information has been posted on Our Website, as well as how to get in touch with us if you have any questions. Given our duty to our readers, we have made the mistake and will let you know as soon as we can.


At, we strive to give readers reliable news stories that are well-researched and based on the most recent information. We make every attempt to fix any problems with our website as soon as we become aware of them. We might explain what went wrong and how we addressed it by posting an editor’s note, a correction, or another piece of content on Our social media accounts or website. Our readers may count on a prompt apology whenever a significant error happens that could potentially result in the spread of misinformation.

Updating a Report

We note the fact that a story has been updated in the story. Every time we correct a significant error in a story or change it to reflect comments or updates from a significant stakeholder, we should notify readers by way of an editor’s note or correction. When a factual error is discovered during our fact-check (which is done in accordance with our Fact-Check Policy, which is available at [“Fact-Check Policy”), we amend the article as necessary and at the top of the page, we boldly write “[Correction: new Info…]” and explain the correction made. Community members can email corrections to [email protected], and readers can make modification suggestions at the bottom of each story.


Whenever a story, photo caption, headline, graphic, video, or other content is changed in a substantive way, we issue a correction to explain why.


A story is rewritten to make it more understandable if the facts are correct, but the language we used to express them isn’t as clear or precise as it should be. If We didn’t get a comment or answer from a source that has since been included to the article, or if fresh reporting has changed Our account of an event, we use a clarification to indicate this.

Editor’s Notes

If a correction raises significant ethical questions or calls into question the entire article’s substance, an editor’s note outlining the pertinent points may be required. A senior editor must provide their consent before an editor’s note can be added to a work.

Other Corrections Policies

As soon as a reader spots an error and posts it in the comment section, our community engagement staff is able to remedy it.

If we post inaccurate material on social media, we remove it. We retract the material if We are unable to make it accurate.

Reporters and editors are not held responsible for mistakes they make, such as “because of a reporting mistake” or “because of an editing mistake.”

Reporting inaccuracies

Send a message to the editorial staff by using the ‘Suggest A Correction’ form if you find an error in a story we’ve published. Email us at [email protected] if you have any questions or comments.

Take-down Requests

As a matter of policy, we do not respond to takedown requests. If the subject asserts that the story was inaccurate, we will look into it and, if necessary, publish a correction.

We will update or follow up on earlier reporting when it is only right to do so, but we won’t go so far as to deny it ever happened.

Requests for removal are only entertained when the person whose information is being removed is in imminent danger.